August 30, 2011

Time Flies.

Labor and delivery was such a blur. There are so many new, monumental and life changing things happening so fast that it’s hard to recall everything with certain clarity. There are only a few sharp details that stick out in my mind.

I remember waking up and not being sure if my pains were really labor. I also remember not being able to breathe by the time we were taking our icy car ride to the hospital and saying “I’M SURE I’M SURE I’M SURE!”

I remember being admitted and walking into my room. It’s such an emotional thing to see the tiny little bed in the corner. It’s an awe inspiring thing to think, that is where my baby will lay. This baby that I’ve carried for nine long months that I’ve never met.

It seems like just yesterday I saw my baby’s cute little pink face for the first time. It’s cliché, but I remember thinking that she was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen.


When they took her from me, Ryan stood by her the entire time she got checked out and held her tiny hand. As soon as I started to talk, she snapped her head my way. She knew her mama.

I remember being excitedly nervous to take her home. We gingerly snapped her into her car seat that seemed to engulf her. Ryan drove all of about fourteen miles an hour on the way home.


Even though it seems like she has been a part of our family forever, I cannot believe six months has already passed. So much changes in that span of time- I can barely remember the tiny newborn baby we first brought home. They are such blank slates, ready to blossom into their own little being.

In the last half year, Charlotte has gone from a small, sleepy bundle…


…to a lively little thing with such a personality.

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She’s moving like crazy. She’s been rolling like a champ since three months and has been army crawling since just past five. She is on a mission to get mobile. We’ve had to baby proof a little early on for our mischievous little thing… one of her favorite things to go after seems to be electrical cords. Yikes. This one’s gonna give us a run for our money.

Another thing she loves to go after is our dog, Lola. Charlotte is enthralled by dogs, big and small. She loves nothing more than getting a sloppy, wet doggie kiss right on the face. She will diligently inch across the room to get to Lola to pat and pet her.

Charlotte is a joyful little girl and loves to smile. I could cajole a purposeful smile when she was only a few weeks old. She loves to laugh too- and no one can make her laugh harder than her daddy. Charlotte has started to get her bottom two teeth the last few days. Ryan says he is going to miss her gummy grin.

It’s amazing to see her start to recognize people, too. My favorite part of the day during the week is when Ryan gets home from work. I love looking at Charlotte and watching her eyes when she realizes daddy is home. You can literally see the second when it clicks and the excitement starts to flicker. She loves when daddy plays toys with her after work. She likes to touch his scratchy beard, too.

Charlotte has frequent play dates with her friend, Nathan, who is only a handful of days older. He is a cutie and is growing so fast just like Charlotte.


Nathan’s mom Sara and I decided to have a little six month birthday celebration. Time passes so quickly- why not?

We got together (daddies too!) and had a delish dinner of hamburgers, potato packets, fresh fruit and sweet corn. Sara had gotten a mix of boy and girl party décor, princesses and cars, along with Elmo birthday hats.

Here are the party hat adorned kiddos, a little bewildered at what was going on.


I cannot believe they left the hats on!

I was pretty excited about the cake I made…



…but I was bummed about the big chocolaty mess in the middle. It was originally supposed to look like this...


...but the “6 mos” melted within minutes of leaving for Sara & David’s. Ya win some ya lose some!

After dinner, I took a few pictures of the kids playing toys in the backyard. They are super blurry and not great quality (I’m definitely not ready to shoot full on manual, case and point) but just seeing them interact was priceless. How special is it that they can say they’ve known each other almost forever? It was really nice to celebrate such a fleeting moment.



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I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but I never anticipated just how much I would enjoy it. Seeing how quickly my little girl is growing has definitely made me see the appeal of having more than one kid. I cannot imagine only going through these stages once. Funny how I never thought that during the third trimester, or post-partum recovery. Thank you ubiquitous mommy amnesia for giving me my rose colored glasses back.

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