January 08, 2012

happy twenty twelve

Does anyone else feel like the holidays go by so quickly? I feel like I board a roller coaster every year around Halloween. I get in my seat, buckle up..

and tick .. tick .. tick.. head up the first big hill.. ...buy costumes.. pumpkins...pass out candy..

tick.. tick.. tick.. up the hill.. leaves fall, the air gets crisper, we gear up for family get togethers, bake pies, we prepare for thanksgiving feasts....

then you are at the tippy top of the hill, about to make the first drop..

the wheels creep over the edge and you look down and gravity kicks in.

on the way down, at warp speed you buy presents! bake cookies! visit family! eat-food-open-presents-eat-more-food-open-more-presents-then haaaapppy new year! Then before you know it the ride is over until next year.

I love the holidays, it's nice to have a little repreive at the start of a new fresh year from all of the commotion.

I want to slow down and enjoy the right now.

My girl is almost one (!) and she is changing at warp speed. She's got three teeth, is walking, and jabbering non-stop. Everyday she is doing something new, and everytime it blows me away. I'm still not used to standing in the kitchen and doing dishes, and seeing my baby toddle in with a big smile. She looks very proud, "look at meee look at meee, look what I can do!"

The start of this year has been unseasonably warm. I usually wish for heaps of snow in January, but I have to admit that this early spring weather has been pretty nice. We've been sick around here, and a nice sun-shiny walk was just the medicine we needed today. I forgot how many endorphins you get from some good ol' fashion excercise and vitamin D.

Charlotte napped most of our walk, but woke up while I was taking some pictures of farm fields near us. I lifted her out of her stroller and let her get nice and dirty crawling around in the dirt and leaves. She had an absolute ball. It's so exciting to think about how much more mobile she will be this summer, and how many more activities we can do.

We have big plans to incorporate lots of bike riding, walking, playground playing and camping into our lives this year. We have a lot of plans for this year... but more on that later.

Here are a few snapshots from playing outside.
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These two are not related. Nooo sir-eeee!
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Look at that toothy grin! Finally!
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I didn't retouch these pictures, trying to keep things simple. Much like our goals for the year, keeping it simple and enjoying what we've been given. Hope you all enjoyed this gorgeous weekend!

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